Water in California

News and info about California's water

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Month: January, 2016

Do you have toxic tap water?

20 January, 2016 (11:01) | Drinking Water, Drinking Water System, Impurities Found in Drinking Water, Impurity Solutions, Reverse Osmosis, Water Safety | By: admin

We are exposed to chemicals every single day; the shampoo we use in the morning shower, the Tylenol we take for a headache, the dishwasher detergent used to wash our dishes, the laundry detergent for the gazillion loads of laundry we do. As we look around us, the list could go on and on. So […]

Fullerton Groundwater Cleanup – What’s Happening?

4 January, 2016 (09:59) | Drinking Water, Drinking Water System, Impurities Found in Drinking Water, Impurity Solutions, Reverse Osmosis | By: admin

It is no surprise to most residents in the Fullerton area that groundwater cleanup needs to get underway. Officials will tell you that you well water and tap water is fine, but are you prepared for what you can’t see or what could possibly happen? Groundwater contamination is tricky and it does happen – sometimes […]