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Let’s Celebrate Earth Day Together!

20 April, 2022 (11:20) | Drinking Water, Drinking Water System, Water | By: admin

This Earth Day, the theme is Invest In Our Planet – a truly necessary and captivating idea. After all, we are ALL in this together, so why not celebrate together, too? Our planet is an amazing place, but each and every individual needs to do more to help build resilience by “protecting, managing and restoring nature.” This starts with the appliances we select, the way we improve our drinking water, the way we conserve our water and all else that is related.

Earth Day 2022: Celebrate the Ways You Can Help Do More

As a Consumer

When you’re in the market for new appliances, even water softeners or drinking water systems, you are encouraged to seek companies and products which are eco-friendly, effective and efficient. Find a company who makes a positive impact on the environment and do your research. Consumers should educate themselves and choose sustainable products and services. 

Reduce plastic waste from bottled water and enjoy your own filtered drinking water instead! It is our mission to provide softened water and safer drinking water in ways that are better for your home, your community and the environment.

As a Citizen

As a citizen, it is crucial to vote for candidates who are going to invest in our planet, too. They will lead their constituents to join in their efforts and demand change for the betterment of our planet Earth.  Local, state and federal elections take place and will all have an impact on the course of our planet’s condition.  You can also demand that funding and improvements are made to help improve drinking water and other environmental factors.

As a Community

As a community, you may not be able to make all the changes, but you can create a place where civic-minded people reside. Community organizations, groups and events can spark interest and participation and you can also make a point to support local businesses who also share your same vision of investing in our planet.

Invest In Our Planet All Year Long With Our Eco-Friendly Water Treatment Products

No one person is going to save the planet – it is going to take a massive collective effort from the majority of citizens to see real, authentic change. Reducing plastic waste in landfills is one of the best ways to invest in our planet now AND in the future. Improving your own tap water by investing in a reverse osmosis system is an effective way to remove potential contaminants while still eliminating the need for bottled water, most of which are not recycled and end up as toxic waste.

Investing in our planet starts by investing in goods and services right within your own walls. Our water treatment experts can help you decide which water treatment system is right for your home. Then, you can feel good knowing that you’re making a positive change while investing in your home, your water, your family, your community and ultimately, your planet!

5 Types of Water and How They Affect You

14 April, 2022 (11:50) | Drinking Water, Hard Water, Impurities Found in Drinking Water, Impurity Solutions, Reverse Osmosis | By: admin

Everyone knows that you need to drink plenty of water to be healthy, but did you know that the type of water you’re consuming is also really important? There are many types of water and they can affect us differently. Staying hydrated is not always easy for everyone, but keep trying, keep drinking and keep working on being the healthiest you can be!

5 Types of Water You Need to Know About

Our customers ask us a lot about the difference between softened water versus filtered drinking water versus distilled water. These are some of the kinds we wanted to share with you:

Tap Water

This is the type of drinking water that comes out of your faucets. The source of tap water can be from a city or municipal water system or from a private well. It represents water that flows from the sourse (there are more than one) and into your faucets without any residential water treatment or water filtration before it reaches you. Untreated, unfiltered drinking water can be at risk for impurities, chemicals or other drinking water contaminants, so it is important to know what is in your water so you know how it could affect your health. Some contaminants can cause acute issues and others can create chronic illnesses.

Distilled Water

To get this type of water, the process involves boiling water, collecting the steam created and then condensing the steam into a liquid state. In doing so, you can remove both impurities as well as natural minerals. Some minerals are needed for balance, so this is something to consider.

If your drinking water is contaminated, distilled water can be a substitute. One consideration, however, is that distilled water absorbs minerals from other sources.  If it sits in a plastic container, it can absorb chemicals from the plastic over time. Although distilled water is safe to use from time to time, a reverse osmosis system could provide you with a better and safer solution.

Spring Water

This type of water comes from a natural, underground source, then it rises to the surface. Big companies usually collect the water from its source and then it goes through an effective water filtration process to remove contaminants and impurities, though natural minerals will remain.

Filtered Water

Sometimes, even water that goes through a municipal water treatment process can still contain impurities. Filtered drinking water generally removes chlorine, chemicals and so on. When it comes to choosing a home water filter, you need to know that they vary widely. Reverse osmosis, distillation, and deionization are all types of purification processes. Our experts can help recommend the right system for your home and your family. Not all RO systems are made equal. Invest in an effective system even if that means it isn’t the lowest price tag.

Softened Water

Hard water usually contains minerals like calcium and magnesium. Water softeners won’t remove contaminants or impurities, but they sure can make life a little easier through the ion exchange process of removing those hard minerals like calcium and magnesium. You may even notice your skin and hair are softer, smoother and healthier! 

No matter which of these types of water you have or need, now is the perfect time to call us and speak with one of our water treatment experts. We will first see what your water needs, then we will see what your family needs. Our Pacific Coast Water drinking water system, with post-carbon filter for great fresh taste, effectively reduces 95-97% of Total Dissolved Solids and other harmful contaminants – and it is perfect for families!

From start to finish, our promise to you is that you ARE going to enjoy safe drinking water, improved drinking water and the best customer service out there. We hope to hear from you soon! 

Is Hard Water Damaging Your Plumbing?

7 April, 2022 (10:42) | Hard Water, Hard Water Solutions, Water Softeners | By: admin

Is hard water damaging your plumbing?

If it’s not treated, hard water can do a number on your pipes and appliances. That’s because without removing hard minerals like calcium and magnesium, mineral buildup can occur, clogging your pipes and causing your appliances to break more often.

The costs associated with repairs and replacements due to hard water are significant. Investing in a home water softener can save you money, time and energy. Knowing a little bit about hard water and how to remove it can help you decide which products and solutions are best for your household’s demands. 

What is hard water?

The term ‘hard water’ is used to describe a fresh water supply that contains a high amount of minerals, usually calcium and magnesium. It tends to leave a white, chalk-like stain on faucets which is a sign that you do not currently have soft water, but rather hard water. You may notice other things like dry skin, mineral buildup on shower walls or surfaces, dull clothes, stains on dishware and much more. 

Is hard water dangerous?

Hard water is not dangerous to our health, but it can be problematic for other reasons. Some of the most common issues that hard water creates include:

  • It reacts with cleaning products and creates a soap buildup and can wear down fixtures and appliances more quickly.
  • Mineral buildup inside water heaters causes them to use more energy, thus costing you more money.
  • Minerals react with soap to create soap scum, not suds, and can leave that film all over surfaces.
  • Hard water can exacerbate skin issues like dry skin, psoriasis or eczema.
  • Buildup of minerals on glasses and dishes, clothing and other fixtures can take their toll over time for sure. They can also cause embarrassment! 
  • Hard water shortens the life of water heaters and other water-using appliances.

How does hard water affect plumbing?

We often see customers concerned about their water heaters and their plumbing fixtures most. Why? The cost associated with repairing plumbing or replacing pipes or appliances is high. As we mentioned before, hard water contains minerals which will start to build up inside pipes, fixtures, drains or appliances over time. We don’t usually see it or notice it right away, until something is wrong.  

When hard water is heated, a certain amount of water evaporates, causing the minerals suspended in it to precipitate. This solidified scale (a.k.a. limescale buildup) can then accumulate inside your pipes, water heater, washing machine and dishwasher. This is what we want to avoid!

Be on the lookout for:

  • Reduced water flow in tubs, sinks, etc.
  • Clogs
  • Low water pressure
  • Increased stress on pipes and fixtures
  • High energy bills due to water heater operational costs
  • Appliances requiring repairs or replacements 

How can you prevent hard water from damaging plumbing?

First, we can test your water for mineral content and see just what you may need. Then, we’ll recommend the best water treatment product for your specific household needs. Our water softeners will remove hard minerals through the ion exchange process or you can get soft water delivered right to your home with our soft water delivery service. The end result is that these minerals are effectively removed from the water before it reaches your appliances and faucets. Ultimately, using softened water can help you avoid repairing appliances, water heaters or pipes and improve the efficiency and lifespan of your water-using appliances. 

At Pacific Coast Water Systems of Fullerton, our water treatment experts can help you choose the right product for your household. What you need will depend on the hardness levels of your tap water, the size of your family, the amount of water you use each day and so on. We look forward to helping you protect the condition of your plumbing and avoid the damages that hard water can do. Plus, more aspects of your household will benefit, too, of course!

Costs and Benefits of a Reverse Osmosis System

28 January, 2022 (08:07) | Drinking Water, Drinking Water System, Impurities Found in Drinking Water, Reverse Osmosis | By: admin

Costs and benefits of a reverse osmosis system

Staying hydrated has a major impact on your quality of life. But, as you get your daily water in, make sure it is free of contaminants.  And, we don’t mean by drinking bottled water.  That can become very expensive to your wallet and the environment. Get clean contaminant-free water straight from your faucet with a Reverse Osmosis (RO) system!

What is a Reverse Osmosis System?

You may have heard of some of the contaminants that can be in your drinking water. Even with state and federal laws in place, there can still be improvements made. Just take a look at your water quality report.

Reverse Osmosis uses pressure to push water through a specialized membrane to filter contaminants from your water. It is a point-of-use filter, meaning it is placed under your sink and is used for one faucet.

4 Key Benefits of a Reverse Osmosis System

There are many benefits of a Reverse Osmosis system being installed in your home.

  • Save Money– Investing in an RO system means you won’t have to buy bottled water. Reverse Osmosis produces clean filtered water for pennies per gallon. 
  • Contaminant-Free Water– You can now have peace of mind that your family is drinking safe, clean water. Water free of lead, pesticides, fluoride, pharmaceuticals, arsenic and more!
  • Simple Maintenance– Compared to some water filtration systems, an RO system is quite easy to maintain. Simply change out the filters and membranes. Depending on your water quality to begin with, filters are replaced every 6 – 12 months and the membrane replaced every two years.
  • Better Taste– Many families find that after installing an RO system, their family tends to consume more water and less sugary drinks. That is a great health benefit!

Costs of an RO System

Reverse Osmosis water filtration systems vary in price according to the model you choose. Pacific Coast Water Systems of Fullerton offers smaller residential systems that produce 36 gallons up to 100 gallons per day and larger commercial RO systems that can produce up to 35,000 gallons per day! Your other expense would be the cost of filter replacements. Again, that depends on the size of your system.

Before deciding on a water filtration system, be sure to contact us to get a free water test. We will work with you to determine which drinking water system is right for you and your family. It’s time to enjoy all the benefits of a Reverse Osmosis system and invest in your drinking water quality!

5 Reasons to Drink More Water During the Holidays

17 December, 2021 (14:51) | Drinking Water, Drinking Water System, Water Coolers | By: admin

Drink more water during the holidays

As the holidays approach, life gets hectic.  We know. And, as life gets busy, we may forget how important it is to stay hydrated. Dehydration is damaging to your overall health and mental focus … not a good combination for any time but especially the holidays!

Why Should You Drink More Water During the Holidays?

Let’s take a look at 5 reasons why you should stay hydrated and drink more water during the holidays.

  1. Beat Exhaustion- The holidays are exhausting. Organizing events, making large meals, and getting presents together can take a toll on our body, physically and mentally. One of the best things you can do to recharge your body is drink a glass of water. Health professionals suggest 8 glasses a day in order to be more alert and rest better.
  2. Healthy Skin- What does every family do when they get together? Take photos! Staying hydrated is one of the best ways to ensure you will look your best. Water hydrates your skin cells which makes your skin look tauter and less dry.
  3. Knock Hangovers- Did you know drinking alcohol actually dehydrates you? Don’t get caught in a holiday hangover … try drinking a glass of water with each alcoholic drink you consume.
  4. Skip the Holiday Sniffles- When you’re hydrated, your mucus membranes function better and actually block little germs from getting into your nose and throat. How cool is that? So, listen to your doctor when he or she says to drink plenty of fluids!
  5. Hunger Control- We tend to gorge ourselves during the holidays. If you are concerned about gaining a few extra pounds this holiday season, try drinking more water. Water helps to delay the feeling of hunger and helps give our metabolism a boost!

Great Tasting Water At Your Fingertips Every Day

The best way to feel healthier and energized during the holidays is to stay hydrated. One way to energize is with a water cooler. At Pacific Coast Water Systems of Fullerton, we offer residential and commercial water coolers … the perfect way to get hot and cold drinking water at the touch of your finger.

We also offer reverse osmosis drinking water systems. There has never been a more convenient, cost-effective way to get safe, great tasting water. Invest in your own drinking water now … contact us today!

Is Soft Water Delivery Right For You?

30 November, 2021 (12:42) | Hard Water, Hard Water Solutions, Water Softeners | By: admin

Do you have hard water? The majority of homes in the US do! Hard water can cause all sorts of problems for you and your home.  You may have thought installing a water softener was the only way to get soft water, but we have one more solution … soft water delivery right to your door!

Hard Water Solutions

Water that comes from your tap is full of minerals and contaminants. These minerals are the reason behind those water spots on your dishes, buildup around your faucets, stiff and dull laundry, itchy skin and more!  Here are some solutions for dealing with hard water in your home:

  • Water Softener- One solution for treating hard water is to install a water softener. A water softener uses an ion exchange process to remove hard minerals like magnesium and calcium. Investing in a water softener can actually save you money in the long run. That’s because it can help you save on energy costs, use less detergent, cleaning products and bath products, and extend the life of your plumbing and appliances.
  • Soft Water Exchange Service- Another solution that Pacific Coast Water Systems of Fullerton offers is a soft water exchange service. Who would want a soft water delivery right to their door? It might be you if you think this sounds good …
  1. All the benefits of soft water without purchasing a system.
  2. You don’t have to remember to replace the salt in your softener.
  3. No need to maintain or repair a soft water system!
  4. Tailored to fit your needs based on your water usage patterns. 
  5. Also treats for chlorine for better smelling and tasting water.
  6. Great for residential OR for businesses that need to meet water treatment requirements.
  7. Low up-front cost.

Ready for Soft Water Delivery Service?

If these benefits sound great, then maybe our soft water delivery is right for you! If you are concerned about hard water, the first step is to contact us today for a free, no obligation, in-home water analysis. 

If you are interested in a water softener or our soft water delivery service, you have come to the right place! One of Pacific Coast Water Systems of Fullerton’s knowledgeable technicians can help you choose what is best for you and your household. Our water treatment products are innovative and on the cutting edge of technology. We are committed to our customers and our products, and we cannot wait to share them with you, too!

5 Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Water Softener

27 October, 2021 (07:42) | Hard Water, Hard Water Solutions, Water Softeners | By: admin

Time to replace your water softener

If you already have a water softener, then we don’t have to tell you about all the benefits. You already know how much better soft water is on your skin, your hair, and your home. You also may have noticed that you actually save money by having a water softener

If you have had a softener for a while, however, you may be wondering when it will need to be replaced. A good soft water system should last 10 to 15 years. Here are a few signs to look for that may indicate it’s time to replace your water softener.

Signs You Need to Replace Your Water Softener

  1. Water Taste- If you start to notice that your water tastes different, it may indicate that your water softener isn’t filtering out minerals as it should.
  2. Hard Water Spots- Water spots are a sign that you have hard water. Getting rid of scale buildup is one of the benefits of having a water softener. So, if you notice spots on your shower doors or drinking glasses after they have been dried, your water softener is not up for the job.
  3. Laundry- You may remember how hard water made your clothes feel … stiff and dull. You may have thought it was your detergent, but your water softener took care of that! So, if your clothes start to feel stiff and dull again, it could be that it’s time to replace your water softener.
  4. Soap– Pay attention to how your soap lathers. If it isn’t lathering as quickly or if the water feels less soft on your skin, this is an indicator of hard water.
  5. Salt Use-Water softeners use salt or potassium during the softening process. If you notice your softener stops using salt, that is a clear indication that your unit is not working. If your system uses more salt, it may be a good idea to replace your water softener with a more efficient model.

Why You Should Upgrade Your Water Softener

So, maybe you have noticed some of the signs that you need to replace your water softener. If you need another reason to upgrade, we have several! 

  • Newer water softeners have higher efficiency ratings, helping you save water.
  • The latest water softener models also save you money.  The more efficient water softeners use less energy, less water, and you will use less soaps, shampoo, laundry detergent and more!
  • Newer water softeners will also have better quality.  

If it’s time to upgrade and you are looking for a water softener that will be more efficient, effective, and a better overall investment, then you’ve come to the right place. Pacific Coast Water Systems of Fullerton offers a variety of water softener options that we can discuss once we evaluate your home’s water quality and household water demands. 
You’ll always get more than what you pay for with our water treatment products! When you find yourself face-to-face with water softener maintenance, installation or emergency repairs, you can call us and our technicians will be there to help! Simply contact us today!

It’s National Water Quality Month!

18 August, 2021 (06:52) | Drinking Water, Drinking Water System, Impurities Found in Drinking Water, Impurity Solutions, Reverse Osmosis | By: admin

August is National Water Quality Month. So, we at Pacific Coast Water Systems of Fullerton think it is a great time to go over what can contaminate our water and how to protect ourselves from contaminants. Not everyone in the world has fresh, clean, quality water piped right to their house. In fact, not all water piped into your house can be considered quality!

Water Contamination

All water contains contaminants, natural or artificial. The EPA estimated there are over 60,000 chemicals being used within the USA that could find their way into our water. But, only 91 contaminants are regulated. So, while tap water is said to be safe to drink, it may not be the quality water that is best for your home and family. Have you read your entire water quality report?

Let’s look at the top 5 common drinking water contaminants.

  • Nitrates- Nitrates are found in fertilizers, manure and waste from septic tanks. It is the most common type of contaminant that finds its way into our fresh water. Nitrates are regulated by your municipality before it enters your home. If you have well water, it should be tested for nitrates every other year. It can be especially dangerous for infants and young children.
  • Microorganisms, bacteria, and viruses- All water has some degree of bacteria. Most are harmless, but some can cause quite a lot of health issues! City water is treated with chlorine intended to kill microorganisms, bacteria and viruses.
  • Aluminum– Aluminum is the third most common element in the earth’s soil, so it easily finds its way into our water. Dementia has been linked to high traces of aluminum in drinking water.
  • Fluoride– Fluoride is a natural mineral added to our water, but recent studies have shown it may be doing more harm than good. High levels of fluoride may actually cause weakening in the skeletal system.
  • Arsenic– Arsenic is a natural metallic substance that can find its way into your drinking water. Studies have shown that the compound can produce a variety of health effects.

What You Can Do to Improve Water Quality

While these top contaminants are regulated by your water municipality, it does not hurt to have your water tested for these and other contaminants. Pacific Coast Water Systems of Fullerton can test your water and work with you to determine which of our eco-friendly and innovative drinking water products is right for you. Reverse Osmosis drinking water systems are extremely effective at removing contaminants at the tap. 

Whether you’re looking for a Reverse Osmosis system or even a water softener, we can guarantee that our products will reduce common water contaminants and improve the quality of your water! So, stop worrying about your water quality and contact us today!

Preventative Maintenance For Your Water Softener

28 June, 2021 (11:02) | Hard Water, Hard Water Solutions, Water Softeners | By: admin

Preventative maintenance for your water softener

Investing in a water softener for your home is an excellent choice. It makes chores easier, gives you more free time, and saves on energy. Plus, you’ll see quite impressive financial savings over time. 

But, none of these benefits will happen if your home water softener isn’t working properly and efficiently. Without preventative maintenance and routine inspections, your system will lack some of the effectiveness you had hoped for in the first place.

What are your favorite soft water benefits?

That’s a tough question – we know, because we love them all, too! 

From no more spots and stains on glassware, to fewer clogs and repairs for water-using appliances, soft water eases your everyday needs. Most water professionals – including US – will offer preventative maintenance and routine servicing of your water softening system. This will help protect your investment and maintain better water quality.

Do I need preventative maintenance with a new water softener?

Yes, you do! Even new water softeners can benefit from routine maintenance. Things like power outages and daylight savings time can affect the regeneration process of your unit. There could also be issues with other water-using appliances in your home like well pumps or water heaters, and these can also impact the functionality of your home water softener.

I have a well. Does this apply to me?

Definitely.  For private well owners, water softener performance is essential for water quality. But, this means that you also need a healthy well. Issues with your well can create problems for your softener. This can lead to the need for repair or replacement for BOTH the pressure tank (or other part) and the water softener itself.  Either one could be costly.

Regular inspections and maintenance on ALL water treatment products and equipment is vital. Neglected units of all kinds can lead to big bills and poor water quality.  For many, the issue is that they are out of sight, so out of mind. And, they’re only given attention when a problem actually occurs and repairs are necessary.

What do preventative maintenance plans or services look like?

They vary, of course, and ours can be customized to your specific water needs and product. In general, however, you should look for things like:

  • Water tests to see if your water softener is working properly
  • Proper salt delivery and schedule
  • Review your current water conditions
  • Check common wear and tear parts like pistons, injectors, screens and seals
  • Clean the equipment
  • Change filters and/or pre-filters
  • Clean the brine tank
  • And more!

If you could use some peace of mind that your home water softener is working properly and efficiently, give us a call and schedule an appointment. Preventative maintenance is so important – we’re happy to help!

4 Common Water Smells and Solutions

7 June, 2021 (11:16) | Drinking Water, Hard Water, Hard Water Solutions, Impurities Found in Drinking Water, Impurity Solutions, Reverse Osmosis | By: admin

Consider yourself lucky if you have never experienced smelly water. Water is essential to everyday life and a foul odor to our tap water can be alarming. We can help you identify common water smells and offer solutions!

Determine the Source of the Odor

First, you need to try to determine where the water smell is coming from.  Does the odor occur in all your faucets or just one? If it’s just one, the odor is being caused by something in the fixture.

Does the odor go away after the water runs for a few minutes? If so, the odor is likely caused by something in your plumbing system, not the water source itself.

Common Water Smells

There are several water smells, and we will look at the most common odors and how to test your water.

  • Sewage/Rotten Egg Smell- A rotten egg or sewage smell in your water is likely caused by either bacteria growing in your drain or water heater, or sulfur in your water supply.  

Solution- Check your water by filling a glass from your tap and let it sit for a few minutes. If the problem is bacteria in the drain, the water should not have an odor. Disinfect the drain by pouring half a cup of baking soda down the drain and then pour half a cup of vinegar. Wait 15 minutes and then pour in hot tap water. You can also turn up the temperature in your water heater for 24 hours and run frequently through your faucets to kill any bacteria in your plumbing.

  • Musty Smell- If your water has a musty, almost moldy smell, it could be from erosion in your water pipes. Erosion can be caused by hard water.

Solution- The best solution is to install a water softener. Water softener systems remove hard minerals like magnesium and calcium that are found in water.

  • Bleach Smell- High levels of chlorine in your drinking water is usually not harmful, but nobody wants the water they drink to smell like a swimming pool. Public water suppliers chlorinate water to prevent bacteria growth. 

Solution- You may be able to get rid of the chlorine smell by running the water faucet for a few minutes. We also offer a Reverse Osmosis System which eliminates harmful contaminants and provides great tasting (and smelling) drinking water!

  • Metal Smell- The most common reason for metallic water smells is older metal pipes slowly deteriorating into your water. Generally, traces of metal are not harmful. But there is a possibility of lead pipes in homes built before 1986. 

Solution- You can request a water test from your water treatment center if you suspect lead. Lead is harmful and should be taken care of immediately. If no lead is present, we suggest a Reverse Osmosis water filtration system for great tasting and smelling water.

Say Goodbye to Water Smells and Hello to High Quality Water

Whatever the source of your water smell may be, Pacific Coast Water Systems of Fullerton can help! We can test your water and work with you to determine which of our eco-friendly and innovative drinking water products is right for you.

So, stop worrying about your water and contact us! Whether you’re looking for a Reverse Osmosis system or a water softener, we can guarantee that our products will reduce common water contaminants and improve the quality of your water.