Let’s Celebrate Earth Day Together!

This Earth Day, the theme is Invest In Our Planet - a truly necessary and captivating idea. After all, we…


5 Types of Water and How They Affect You

Everyone knows that you need to drink plenty of water to be healthy, but did you know that the type…


Is Hard Water Damaging Your Plumbing?

If it's not treated, hard water can do a number on your pipes and appliances. That's because without removing hard…


Costs and Benefits of a Reverse Osmosis System

Staying hydrated has a major impact on your quality of life. But, as you get your daily water in, make…


5 Reasons to Drink More Water During the Holidays

As the holidays approach, life gets hectic.  We know. And, as life gets busy, we may forget how important it…


Is Soft Water Delivery Right For You?

Do you have hard water? The majority of homes in the US do! Hard water can cause all sorts of…


5 Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Water Softener

If you already have a water softener, then we don’t have to tell you about all the benefits. You already…


It’s National Water Quality Month!

August is National Water Quality Month. So, we at Pacific Coast Water Systems of Fullerton think it is a great…


Preventative Maintenance For Your Water Softener

Investing in a water softener for your home is an excellent choice. It makes chores easier, gives you more free…


4 Common Water Smells and Solutions

Consider yourself lucky if you have never experienced smelly water. Water is essential to everyday life and a foul odor…
