Drink More Water to Drop Holiday Pounds

Between the cookies and cocktails, there’s a good chance that most people will pack on the pounds this holiday season. In fact, according to one health expert, North Americans will gain 2-3 pounds on average this holiday season alone. Drinking water is essential for weight loss, so this holiday season, drinking water may help you feel a little less guilty about that extra helping. Drinking water systems will filter this water so you have less worries about contamination and more worry about other health issues.

Water makes up about 50% of your body. We know it is important, but that is an understatement. Water is absolutely essential for the body to function. According to an article from atlanticblackstar.com, “every enzymatic and chemical reaction in the body occurs with the help of water. Water transports hormones, nutrients, oxygen and antibodies. It regulates body temperature, helps maintain muscle tone, and protects tissues, organs and joints from shock and damage.” Getting healthy and staying healthy starts with drinking plenty of water – safe water, that is. Unlike quenching your thirst with a soft drink, alcohol, coffee, or milk, water is fat free, calorie free, and cholesterol free. When you are hungry, water can also act as a natural appetite suppressant. This is a good habit all year long, so consider a glass of water before you reach for that plate of milk and cookies. According to the article, “clinical studies even show that a low consumption of water allows fat to be deposited in the body rather than burned for energy.

The reasons for drinking plenty of water are clear, but the water we drink is just as important. When you start increasing water into your lifestyle, we believe it is vital to ensure that you are keeping it safe and pure. Our drinking water filters work hand in hand with your newfound diet or lifestyle. Our reverse osmosis drinking water systems filter harmful contaminants out of the drinking water so you have the best quality water you could imagine. Don’t let increasing your drinking water mean increasing your contamination intake. Reverse osmosis  is the most cost-effective and eco-friendly method for providing a constant flow of safe drinking water and staying healthy. This holiday season, give yourself the best gift you can – a healthy lifestyle that starts with drinking plenty of safe water!

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