Quality Assurance in the Water Treatment Industry

When it comes to drinking water, most people agree that drinking an adequate amount of it is essential for good health.  But how do you know that your water is safe to drink and even when someone else says that it’s safe, how do you know that they are right?  Fortunately for the consumer, there are several organizations that govern the quality of the water we drink or the products that are used in making water safe.

One such organization is the Water Quality Assocation (WQA) which is “a resource and information source, a voice for the industry, an educator for professionals, a laboratory for product testing, and a communicator to the public”.  This organization works very closely with companies in the water treatment industry to provide quality water treatment products and services that are safe and reliable.  For example, the Water Quality Association has a Gold Seal program which certifies products or chemicals that come in direct contact with drinking water.   In order to receive the Gold Seal, products must first undergo vigorous testing that determines their integrity, quality, and safety.

As a homeowner, you have the right to know what is or isn’t in your water.  If your water is provided by the town or city in which you live, you can research the public records to find the most recent water quality report.  Or, if the public records are not easily accessible or you have your own well water, you can have your water tested by a local water treatment company.  Many companies provide this service for free or for a small fee.

If your water has been tested and it has been determined that it should be treated in order to be safe or even if you want to simply improve the taste or smell, you should look into a drinking water system for your home.  With safe drinking water being an integral part of achieving or maintaining good health, it makes sense, then, to choose products that have received the Gold Seal of approval from the WQA.  When looking for a drinking water system for your home or office, look for water treatment companies who offer products certified by the Water Quality Assocation.  You can then rest easy, knowing that when the salesperson says the system is safe, it really is.

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