5 Common Water Softener Myths De-Bunked

Who wants the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? We all do! Sometimes we get confused, however, when we read or hear of different opinions, “new” facts, and the latest trends. It happens all the time in the water treatment industry, and we’d like to clear up a few misconceptions. Here are some of the most common water softener myths and their corresponding truths:

Myth #1: It’s unsafe to drink soft water

There have been many research studies conducted on this topic alone. The general consensus – softened water can contain a trace amount of salt, but usually not enough to be of any health concern. The exception to this would be someone with very strict salt consumption guidelines – if this is you, consult your doctor to find out the best solution for your personal situation. For the general public, however, drinking soft water does not pose any threats to your health.


Myth #2: Water softeners aren’t worth the expense of operating them

On the contrary … water softeners actually save you money.


Yes, they do cost something to operate – electricity, salt supplies, and required maintenance – but the benefits certainly outweigh the expense. For example, the number of soaps, detergents, and cleaners needed in your household can be reduced by up to 75% simply by using a home water softener!


Myth #3: Water can be softened without salt

The truth on this one can be a little tricky. Yes, water can be treated without using salt. Contaminants can be removed and magnetic or electronic devices can sometimes treat water in such a way that it prevents scale buildup in plumbing and water fixtures. Without salt, however, hard water is not truly softened and you won’t get the same soft water feel that you’re looking for.


Myth #4: It’s hard to get clean with soft water

Actually, you get cleaner with soft water, when compared to using hard water.


The negative effects of hard water are many and can include soap and mineral buildup on skin and hair, leaving your skin dry and itchy, and your hair limp and brittle.


Myth #5: Water softeners and water purifiers are the same

No … they’re not.


Water softeners do just what their name implies – soften water. This occurs by removing excess minerals from the water, typically calcium and magnesium, through a process known as ion exchange. They are often used to treat all water entering a home so that the negative effects of hard water won’t take their toll on appliances, fixtures, and even people.


In contrast, water purifiers, or reverse osmosis systems, are typically used to treat drinking water by filtering out contaminants and making for great tasting water that is also safe to drink.


If this isn’t enough to clear up any questions you have about water softeners, have no fear … our qualified technicians are perfectly up to the job! Just give us a call and we’ll be happy to help you with all of your water treatment needs – big or small.

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