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Tag: Water Softener

Soft Water Exchange Tank Service: An Eco-Friendly Water Treatment Option

18 September, 2024 (08:32) | Hard Water, Hard Water Solutions, Water Softeners | By: admin

When it comes to water treatment, many modern homeowners are looking for options that meet their family’s needs but also minimize their environmental footprint. That’s exactly why we offer soft water exchange tank service – the eco-friendly and sustainable solution to your hard water problems! Here, we’ll explain what soft water exchange tank service is. […]

How to Get Rid of Hard Water Smell

21 September, 2023 (06:30) | Hard Water, Hard Water Solutions, Water Softeners | By: admin

Normally, we hear hard water and think of the scale and buildup it causes on our showerheads, sinks, dishes and fixtures. However, have you been dealing with a certain smell coming from your tap water, too? Mold, chemicals, minerals, and other factors can leave an unpleasant odor in tap water but in many cases, hard […]

Is Soft Water Delivery Right For You?

30 November, 2021 (12:42) | Hard Water, Hard Water Solutions, Water Softeners | By: admin

Do you have hard water? The majority of homes in the US do! Hard water can cause all sorts of problems for you and your home.  You may have thought installing a water softener was the only way to get soft water, but we have one more solution … soft water delivery right to your […]

5 Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Water Softener

27 October, 2021 (07:42) | Hard Water, Hard Water Solutions, Water Softeners | By: admin

If you already have a water softener, then we don’t have to tell you about all the benefits. You already know how much better soft water is on your skin, your hair, and your home. You also may have noticed that you actually save money by having a water softener!  If you have had a […]

Preventative Maintenance For Your Water Softener

28 June, 2021 (11:02) | Hard Water, Hard Water Solutions, Water Softeners | By: admin

Investing in a water softener for your home is an excellent choice. It makes chores easier, gives you more free time, and saves on energy. Plus, you’ll see quite impressive financial savings over time.  But, none of these benefits will happen if your home water softener isn’t working properly and efficiently. Without preventative maintenance and […]

4 Common Water Smells and Solutions

7 June, 2021 (11:16) | Drinking Water, Hard Water, Hard Water Solutions, Impurities Found in Drinking Water, Impurity Solutions, Reverse Osmosis | By: admin

Consider yourself lucky if you have never experienced smelly water. Water is essential to everyday life and a foul odor to our tap water can be alarming. We can help you identify common water smells and offer solutions! Determine the Source of the Odor First, you need to try to determine where the water smell […]

Does a Water Softener Purify Water?

6 July, 2020 (12:45) | Hard Water, Hard Water Solutions, Impurities Found in Drinking Water, Impurity Solutions, Reverse Osmosis, Uncategorized, Water Safety, Water Softeners | By: admin

A water softener has many jobs – but the one question we often get is, will the water softener also purify my water? Different systems can do different things – and before you invest in a certain system or brand, a little research on their functions and capabilities is important. You want to choose the […]

Household Demands Determine the Right Size Water Softener!

21 April, 2020 (15:02) | Hard Water, Hard Water Solutions, Water Softeners | By: admin

Results of a recent survey show that around 85% of American households have to deal with some level of hard water, but only about 30% of them use a water softener to remove those hard minerals. Anyone living with hard water knows just how much work it is. Investing in the perfect water softening system […]

Water Softener Seasonal Maintenance Tips

20 January, 2020 (10:13) | Hard Water, Hard Water Solutions, Water Softeners | By: admin

When you’ve made an investment in a water softener, you want to get the most out of your decision. Similar to vehicles and  our other appliances, maintenance for water softeners  is essential for optimal performance and avoiding costly repairs and breakdowns.  How often are you having your home water softening system serviced? What types of […]

5 Common Water Softener Myths De-Bunked

1 October, 2019 (15:35) | Hard Water, Hard Water Solutions, Uncategorized, Water Softeners | By: admin

Who wants the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? We all do! Sometimes we get confused, however, when we read or hear of different opinions, “new” facts, and the latest trends. It happens all the time in the water treatment industry, and we’d like to clear up a few misconceptions. Here are […]