Are You The Filter?

If you stay tuned to the national and world news, you know that every week there is mention of water in the media – water shortages, water contamination, water boil warnings. Water, like the air we breathe, is absolutely vital to life and the fact that water appears on our news so often tells us that that our water is in constant danger. Fortunately, our country has many safeguards against water contaminations, but obviously mistakes happen, disasters come to pass, and naturally occurring events sometimes cause our water to become unsafe.

If your home does not have a home water treatment system of any kind, consider this: without a water filtration system in your home, then YOU are the filter. Yes, your body has to sort out all the chemicals, sludge, and bacteria before your cells can absorb and use the water you drink.

If your water supply is treated by your community, you may be surprised to discover that the water you drink may still contain chlorine, nitrates, iron, sodium, and medical and prescription drugs. Municipalities simply cannot safeguard every drop of water – sometimes mistakes are made, systems are just unable to filter everything, and sometimes chemicals exist in a water supply that science has not yet decided if they are dangerous or not. So if you do not have a water-treatment system in your home, your body is the filter – responsible for eliminating these toxins from your system.

Private well owners have to monitor the quality of their own water. Wells can produce water with higher concentrations of iron, manganese, sulfates, and even arsenic, gasoline, the gasoline additive MTBE, and pesticides. In the very least, if you draw your water from a well or open water source then your water likely has a lot of silt and sediment in it. That earthy taste and musty smell mean one thing, your family could benefit from a reverse osmosis system.

A reverse osmosis system is an under-sink device that forces your water through a semi-permeable membrane before it comes through your tap. That membrane’s pores are so small that nearly all contaminant molecules are trapped and only clean water molecules are allowed to pass through. The trapped impurities are then flushed away.

A reverse osmosis system is able to filter out much of your water’s lead, copper, arsenic, cadmium, chlorine, giardia, pesticides, salt, trihalomethanes, sulfates, cysts, nitrates, and some bacteria and viruses. Additional treatment options are also available to eliminate hard water compounds like manganese and iron.

Typically installed under your kitchen and/or bathroom sink, a reverse osmosis system delivers up to 25 gallons of fresh and healthy drinking water everyday. The system can also be connected to your freezer’s ice maker for great-tasting ice. This means that you will no longer have to purchase bottled water – or should we say tap water in expensive plastic bottles – again. Not only is that a benefit for your body and wallet, it’s good for the environment as well.

A reverse osmosis system saves money , delivers healthy, great-tasting water to your sink, and stops plastic water bottle waste. So you decide. Get a water treatment system for your home – or let your body be the filter.

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