Welcome to Water in California

Good evening, and welcome to Water in California! This is our latest effort to communicate with you, our friends and neighbors, about one of California’s most prominent topics – our water. The water that comes into our homes is very much taken for granted. There was a time in our not-so-distant history when a reliable water source was the center of every community, every drop was carried home by bucket or eventually brought in by hand pump, and everyone made sure to drink upstream from the herd. Now, we simply turn on the tap and water flows abundantly. For the most part, as Americans, we trust that water because it has been treated and monitored – and for this we are thankful.

Water, however, is not a given and is not always a perfect substance. As you know, here in California, we have very hard water. That means that the water from your tap probably leaves a scaly film on your faucets and shower doors. And, for those of us who use water from public utilities, we may be exposed to disinfectant byproducts. It seems like water, while our richest blessing, also needs to be considered carefully. It is in this blog that we hope to discuss the water issues that are most important to you. We will keep you abreast of the latest water news for our area and the nation. We will advocate for higher quality water and groundwater protection. Most of all, we hope to communicate with you. If you have a topic that concerns you or that you’d like to read more about, please send us a comment on our blog page or send us an email. We welcome your thoughts and suggestions.

Stay tuned as we build our blog.

Pacific Coast Water Systems of Fullerton

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