Water in California

News and info about California's water

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Back in 1965, Warren and Aletha Weidemann started a Rayne Water dealership in Brea, California with the goal providing residents and businesses with the best quality water softeners, drinking water systems, and water treatment systems available. Thereafter the dealership became the first company in Brea to offer portable exchange soft water service and operated an automated regeneration plant. In 1982, the Dealership grew again, relocating to the current location in Fullerton on Rosslynn Avenue and we have been growing ever since.

Today, Pacific Coast Water Systems of Fullerton is a 2nd generation business that is still owned and operated by the Weidemann family. We provide a 24-hour answering service, so you always speak with a live person and our office is staffed by friendly people who offer personal service. Serving the entire Fullerton area, employing Factory Trained Technicians, Rayne is here to serve your water needs. Call us today to Purchase, Rent and or Service your Water System.

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